4 solutions for when you make a transaction mistake with MetaMask

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Here are four specific ways to deal with a sending mistake on Metamask:

If you sent to the wrong address or network:

In this case, the transfer may not go through or may not reach the intended recipient.

Check the transaction status on a blockchain explorer.

If the transaction hasn’t been executed, you can cancel it on Metamask.

If the transaction has been executed, you can contact the recipient and request a refund, but note that refunds are not guaranteed.

If the gas fee is insufficient:

In this case, the transaction may fail or take a very long time.

You can either replenish the gas fee on Metamask or cancel the transaction and try again.

It’s important to set an appropriate gas fee, as it can vary depending on network congestion.

If the transaction is delayed:

In this case, the network may be congested or the gas fee may be too low.

Check the transaction status on Metamask.

If the transaction hasn’t been executed, you can increase the gas fee and try again.

If the transaction has been executed, the delay may be due to slow reflection on the recipient’s side.

You can contact the recipient to check for any confirmation or bugs.

If the transaction fails:

In this case, there may be an error on the Metamask side.

Check the cause and solution for the error on Metamask.

Depending on the cause, you can either resend or cancel the transaction.

These are the specific ways to deal with a sending mistake on Metamask.

When sending on Metamask, always confirm the address or network, and set an appropriate gas fee.

Also, check the transaction status and the recipient’s reaction.

If any trouble occurs, it’s important to deal with it promptly!


Things to be careful about to prevent sending money mistakes!

To prevent sending money mistakes, please keep in mind the following:

  1. Copy and paste the recipient’s address or scan the QR code instead of manually entering it. There is a risk of making mistakes when entering manually.

  2. Pay attention to the number of decimal places when entering the transfer amount. Ethereum can have up to 18 decimal places, but MetaMask only displays up to 6 decimal places by default. Switch to detailed display or calculate and confirm the amount yourself.

  3. Refer to the transaction fee proposed by MetaMask. The transaction fee fluctuates depending on the network congestion. If the fee is too high, it will be wasted, but if it is too low, the transaction will be slow.

  4. Before sending, always check the confirmation screen to ensure that the recipient’s address, amount, and fee are correct. Skipping the confirmation screen may lead to regret.

Although MetaMask is a useful tool, if not used properly, it can cause significant losses. Be careful when using it to prevent sending money mistakes.