How to set up a custom RPC on Metamask?

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How to set up a custom RPC in Metamask

Setting up a custom RPC in Metamask allows you to connect to blockchains other than Ethereum and manage, send, and trade cryptocurrencies on those networks.

Here’s how you can set up a custom RPC:

  1. Select “Custom RPC” from the “Ethereum Mainnet” drop-down menu at the top of the Metamask screen.

  2. Enter the appropriate settings for the network.

You will need to enter five pieces of information: Network Name, New RPC URL, Chain ID, Currency Symbol (optional), and Block Explorer URL (optional).

  1. Once you have entered the information, click “Save”.

If the network name in the upper right corner of the screen has changed, the custom RPC setup is complete.

For example, if you want to connect to the Polygon (formerly known as MATIC) network, you would enter the following settings:

This is how you can set up a custom RPC in Metamask. You can follow similar steps to connect to other blockchains, but please note that the settings will vary for each network, so be sure to enter the correct information.