Bitcoin NFT Stamp: The NFT world is changing!

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About the Bitcoin NFT Stamp

 This section describes Bitcoin NFT Stamps.

First, “Bitcoin Stamps” NFTs are the most “persistent” means of permanently recording data on the Bitcoin blockchain, the developers of the new protocol claim.


 The new protocol was launched on June 15, 2023 and has already been successfully implemented on the Bitcoin blockchain. Developers say it could even surpass Ethereum’s NFTs in the future; Bitcoin Stamps says each NFT is recorded directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, making it the “most persistent” means of recording information, according to the developers.

Bitcoin Stamps’ NFTs are generated using hashes, which are unique identifiers, and each hash is described as “the most unique and rare digital artifact.”


 The main difference between Bitcoin Stamps and traditional NFTs is that Bitcoin Stamps do not require a physical asset. This means that there is no need for a physical asset connection, which presents new possibilities for NFTs.

For more information, we recommend researching specific Bitcoin Stamps NFTs and their protocols directly.

※Reference URL:‘Bitcoin Stamps’ NFTs Are Gaining On Ordinals


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