Rare Pepe Commentary! The Impact of Bitcoin NFT on Culture

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About Rare Pepe NFT

 What are Rare Pepe (Rare Pepe) NFTs? We will discuss how these NFTs affect the culture of Bitcoin and whether or not they should be collected and why.


Who is Rare Pepe?

 Rare Pepe is part of Pepe the Frog, a character who first appeared in 2005 in Mark Fury’s comic “Boys Club”. Pepe the Frog, a green cartoon character with a human body, was popularized as an Internet meme in 2008, thanks to its popularity on social networks such as Gaia Online, MySpace, and 4chan.

 In 2014, a variant of the Pepe the Frog meme, “Rare Pepe,” with the watermark “RARE PEPE DO NOT SAVE,” appeared on 4chan boards and was shared like a trading card. This meant that the artist had not authorized the image to be released to the public.

 Then in 2015, 1,200 Rare Pepe were listed on eBay with prices up to $99,166, but were later withdrawn. Since then, more Rare Pepe memes have appeared on eBay and Craigslist.


The Birth of Rare Pepe NFT

 It was no surprise to see these popular characters enter the crypto space. Pepe the Frog and Rare Pepe first appeared in 2016 as non-fiat tokens (NFTs) in Counterparty, an open source protocol built on top of Bitcoin. This was before Ethereum NFTs existed, and the term NFT was not yet in common use at the time.

The launch of the Rare Pepe NFT was inspired by the famous 2015 Spells of Genesis SATOSHICARD. The first Rare Pepe NFT was mined on Bitcoin block 428,919.

 Counterparty Rare Pepe images looked like trading cards and were issued in limited quantities. Through the Rare Pepe Wallet, users could buy, sell, and store Rare Pepe NFT cards. Users traded these NFTs using a liquid cash card called PepeCash.

 Collectors could also submit images of their own Rare Pepe NFTs to the Rare Pepe Directory. This cataloged all known Rare Pepes. Submission guidelines were strict: “Submissions must be original. Our rarity quality team will review each pepe in terms of rarity (no stealing!).” It was noted.

The cost of the submission was about $13 in PepeCash at the time. The Rare Pepe Foundation removed all offensive Rare Pepe submissions before they appeared in the directory.


The Value of Rare Pepe NFT

 As the NFT community grew, Fury started his own NFT project, Pegz; PegzDAO sells NFTs according to its own style.

In October 2021, Pegz teamed up with NFT marketplace Chain/saw to auction FEELSGOODMAN, a Rare Pepe NFT card, one of the first 500 tokens issued by Rare Pepe Wallet founder Joe Rooney in 2016.

FEELSGOODMAN was intended to bring peace between the Bitcoin community and the Ethereum community; 400 of the 500 tokens were burned and one was auctioned. The auction proceeds and the remaining 99 NFTs went to PegzDAO.

※reference URL:Rare Pepe NFTs: What Are They & Are They Worth Collecting?


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