Save time! How to auto generate PowerPoint with ChatGPT Code Interpreter

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Automatic generation of PowerPoint using ChatGPT

 This time, we will talk about how to automate the generation of PowerPoint presentations using OpenAI’s GPT-4. ChatGPT is a very powerful natural language understanding and generation tool that can be used to automate various tasks. And this time, I will challenge automatic generation of PowerPoint as an example.


What is ChatGPT?

 ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence that learns from large amounts of text data. Developed by OpenAI, its training data is taken from books, websites and other texts on the internet. As a result, ChatGPT can understand natural language conversations and generate natural responses.


PowerPoint auto-generation approach

 To automatically generate PowerPoint, first use ChatGPT as a Code Interpreter. In other words, give ChatGPT specific instructions and have it generate slide content based on those instructions.

 Next, create a PowerPoint slide using the generated text. For this, we use the Python library `python-pptx`. This library allows you to generate and edit slides with Python code.

Related link: python-pptx


Implementation method

 To use ChatGPT as a Code Interpreter, use the OpenAI API. A simple example is shown below.


import openai

openai.api_key = ‘your-api-key’

response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt=”Create a slide title and three bullet points on the topic of Artificial Intelligence.”,



This code tells ChatGPT to generate a slide title and three bullet points about artificial intelligence. The output will be the content of the generated slide.

 Then use this output to create a PowerPoint slide. We will use the `python-pptx` library for this.


from pptx import Presentation

# Create a presentation
prs = Presentation()

# Add a slide with a title and content layout
slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[1] slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)

# Add a title
title = slide.shapes.title
title.text = “Generated slide title”

# Add content
content = slide.placeholders[1] content.text = “Generated bullet points”

# Save the presentation“generated_presentation.pptx”)


This code creates a new presentation, adds a slide with title and content, and saves it.

 This is the basic flow of automatic PowerPoint generation using ChatGPT. By combining ChatGPT’s powerful natural language generation capabilities with Python libraries, you can automate presentation generation.


Related Links

1. ChatGPTを用いた文章生成

2. PythonでのPowerPoint操作

3. OpenAI APIの使用方法


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