Road to VS Code master: How to change the Python interpreter!

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How to change Python interpreter in VS Code

 Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free source code editor developed by Microsoft that supports many programming languages, including Python. In Python development, different Python versions may be used depending on the project. As such, it may be necessary to change the Python interpreter used by VS Code on a project-by-project basis.

This article details how to change the Python interpreter in VS Code.


How to change the interpreter

 To change the Python interpreter, perform the following steps.

1. Open VS Code. VS Code is available for all platforms Windows, Linux and Mac.

2. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette. The Command Palette is a powerful tool that gives you access to all of VS Code’s features.

3. Enter `Python: Select Interpreter` in the Command Palette. This command is for choosing the Python interpreter to use in VS Code.

4. Select `Python: Select Interpreter` and you will see a list of installed Python interpreters. From here, select the Python interpreter you want to use.

 This will change the Python interpreter used in VS Code. This procedure is the same for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.


Set default interpreter

 If you always want to use a particular Python interpreter for a particular project, you can set that interpreter as the default. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.

2. Type `Preferences: Open User Settings` in the Command Palette and select it. This will open VS Code’s user settings screen.

3. Set `python.defaultInterpreterPath` in the user setting screen. Specify here the path of the Python interpreter you want to use as the default.

 This sets the default Python interpreter used by VS Code. This setting will be applied every time you start a new project.


VS Code Python development environment

 VS Code provides many functions necessary for Python development. This includes code completion, debugging, linting (code quality checking), running tests, Jupyter notebook support, and more. These features are available by installing the Python extension.

 The Python extension can be installed from the VS Code marketplace. Once installed, VS Code is a powerful tool for editing, running and debugging Python code.

 Choosing a Python interpreter is an important step in getting the most out of these features. Choosing the right interpreter allows you to use the Python version and packages that meet your project’s requirements.



 I explained how to change the Python interpreter in VS Code. VS Code is a very powerful editor and offers many features for Python development as well. Choosing an interpreter is only part of it, but choosing the right interpreter will make your project develop more smoothly.


Related Links

1. Using Python Environments in Visual Studio Code

2. How to Change the Python Interpreter in VS Code

3. How to change interpreter in Visual Studio Code?


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