Code Interpreters Explained: How to Maximize Your Programming Speed ​​and Efficiency

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About the code interpreter

 A code interpreter is a computer program that directly executes the source code of a computer program, and both interpreters and compilers are available for some high-level programming languages. The interpreter allows the execution of programs by directly executing the source code.


Interpreter behavior

 The interpreter reads the source code line by line, interprets and executes the instructions represented by the lines. This is in contrast to the compiler, which parses the entire source code at once and transforms it into executable machine code. The interpreter can detect errors during program execution and provide feedback on the fly. This allows the developer to fix the error immediately and continue improving the program.


Advantages and disadvantages of interpreters

 The main advantage of the interpreter is the speed of development and debugging. Direct source code execution eliminates the compilation process and allows developers to test code changes immediately. Interpreters also provide a dynamic programming environment, allowing code to be changed while the program is running.

 On the other hand, the drawback of the interpreter is execution speed. Since the interpreter analyzes and executes the source code line by line, the execution speed may be slower than if the same source code were compiled by a compiler. However, modern interpreters use JIT (Just-In-Time) compilers to alleviate this problem.


Interpreter type

 There are two main types of interpreters: bytecode interpreters and source code interpreters.

– Bytecode interpreters: These interpreters translate the source code into an intermediate representation, bytecode, and execute the bytecode. Java’s Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Python’s CPython are examples of this kind of interpreter.

– Source Code Interpreters: These interpreters directly interpret and execute the source code. JavaScript’s V8 engine and Ruby’s MRI are examples of this kind of interpreter.



 The interpreter is an important tool that enables program execution by directly executing the source code. While it speeds up development and debugging, it can slow down execution. However, recent technological advances have greatly alleviated this problem. Interpreters provide an important choice for a variety of software development needs.


Reference link

1. Wikipedia – インタプリタ


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