Threads Badges on Instagram: Details and How to Hide Temporary Badges

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A Detailed Guide About Instagram Threads Badges

 Instagram has introduced a new feature, Threads badges, to make it easier for users to communicate. In this article, let’s dive deep into the details of Threads badges and how to use them.


1. What is a Threads badge?

 The Threads badge is a new Instagram feature that shows the order in which users joined Threads. This badge is displayed on your Instagram profile page and is indicated by a combination of ‘@’ and a number. For example, if you were the 100th user to join Threads, your profile will show ‘@100’.

This badge appears for a limited time and disappears automatically when the period ends. However, while your badge is on, you can show other users what level of Threads you are. It’s a kind of badge that rewards users who try new features early.


2. How to hide the Threads badge

 The Threads badge can be hidden if it is not needed or to maintain privacy. Here’s how to hide it.

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile page.

2. Find the Threads badge displayed on your profile page.

3. Long press the badge and select “Hide badge” from the menu that appears.

 ”The badge will now disappear from your profile and will no longer be visible to other users.” However, this operation is temporary, and if you want to display the badge again, you can display it again by selecting “Show badge” in the same procedure.


3. Notes

 The Threads badge is for a limited time only, and its display period is subject to change due to Instagram updates. Also, the number on the badge represents the number of users who registered in Threads, and does not have a specific meaning. It’s important to understand that this is only to show the order in which users joined Threads, not their status or rank.


4. Summary

 The Threads badge on Instagram functions as a kind of badge that honors users who try out new features. This badge shows the order in which users joined Threads and is displayed for a limited time. If you don’t need it, you can hide it, and the method is very simple. However, it is important to understand that the number of badges does not have any specific meaning, it only indicates the order of participation.


 Above, we have provided a detailed guide about Threads badges for Instagram. We hope this information clears your doubts and helps you use Instagram.


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