2024 Latest Guide: How to convert ETH BEP20 to ERC20 with Trust Wallet

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BEP20 to ERC20 Token Conversion: 2024 Latest Complete Guide

 In the world of cryptocurrencies, the ability to move assets between different blockchains is extremely important. In particular, the conversion between Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP20 tokens and Ethereum ERC20 tokens has become a key challenge for many users.

 In this article, we will introduce the latest method to convert BEP20 tokens to ERC20 tokens using Binance Convert, Allbridge, and XY Finance as examples.



Difference between BEP20 and ERC20

 BEP20 and ERC20 are token standards used on the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum blockchains, respectively. BEP20 offers fast, low-fee transactions on Binance, and ERC20 is compatible with Ethereum’s extensive DeFi ecosystem.



Why convert tokens?

 By converting BEP20 tokens to ERC20, you will be able to access a wealth of DeFi applications and trading platforms on the Ethereum network. This expands your investment opportunities and allows you to tap into a more diverse cryptocurrency ecosystem.



How to convert BEP20 to ERC20

Use Binance Convert

1. Log in to your Binance account: If you do not have a Binance account, create an account [here] and complete the verification.

2. Select “Convert” from the trade menu: Select BEP20 tokens and convert them to ERC20 tokens.

3. Confirm conversion: After conversion, ERC20 tokens will be sent to your MetaMask wallet.



Use Allbridge

1. Visit the Allbridge website: Go to [Allbridge] and click “Launch App”.

2. Connect wallet: Select the corresponding wallet and connect.

3. Select and convert tokens: Select BEP20 tokens and convert them to ERC20.



Use XY Finance

1. Visit the XY Finance website: Go to [XY Finance] and click “Launch App”.

2. Connect wallet: Select the corresponding wallet and connect.

3. Select and convert tokens: Select BEP20 tokens and convert them to ERC20.



Conversion process details and precautions

 The conversion process is basically simple, but there are some important points to keep in mind.

– Fees and Rates: Check fees and exchange rates when converting. These vary by service and greatly impact conversion costs.

– Security: To ensure the security of your wallet and prevent unauthorized access, please use security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA).

– Network congestion: Conversion may take some time depending on blockchain congestion. Fees may be higher during busy times.



Summary of this chapter

 Converting BEP20 tokens to ERC20 is a strategic move that increases the diversity of your cryptocurrency portfolio. Bridge services such as Binance Convert, Allbridge, and XY Finance provide user-friendly platforms to easily perform this conversion.

 Whether exploring DeFi opportunities or diversifying your token holdings, these bridge services facilitate transactions between different blockchains.